EAM software

EAM Software: Optimize your Asset Management with ELAZUR

At ELAZUR, we specialize in asset management solutions. Our expertise extends to maintenance products, EAM systems, and computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS). We offer our services to a wide range of industries, including public transport, utilities, pharmaceuticals and food & beverage.

What is Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)?

Definition of Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)

Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) is a holistic approach to asset management within an organization. He aims to manage the entire life cycle of an organization’s assets, from acquisition to disposal. It encompasses the management of physical assets, such as equipment, installations, vehicles, etc. The main objective is to optimise the value of assets over their entire lifecycle by maximising their use, minimising maintenance costs, and ensuring regulatory compliance.

The importance of asset management for companies

Asset management is crucial for companies in all sectors. It ensures that assets are optimized, minimizes unplanned downtime and increases return on investment. Companies that integrate a EAM software benefit from greater competitiveness and cost control.


The benefits of using EAM software.

Asset Life Maximization

One of the main benefits of using EAM software is the ability to maximize asset life. With preventive maintenance and proactive monitoring, companies can extend the life of their equipment, reducing the cost of premature replacement.

Reduced maintenance costs

EAM software enables efficient maintenance planning and management. This translates into reducing maintenance costs, notably by avoiding costly emergency repairs and optimizing resource utilization.

Improving profitability and productivity

By optimizing asset management, companies can improve their overall profitability. Reduced downtime, increased productivity, and better resource utilization contribute to improved profitability.

Green Quadrant : EAM Software 2022

Source: Verdantix analysis

Verdantix defined the evaluation criteria for the EAM software from the Green Quadrant by combining interviews with business practice leaders and software managers, desk research, discussions with numerous customers, and staff expertise. The analysis was also based on responses to Verdantix’s global surveys on corporate operational excellence.

The 2022 Green Quadrant analysis compares the offerings of 14 software vendors using a 207-point questionnaire covering 11 technical capability categories, 14 functional capability categories and 9 market dynamism categories.

In this analysis, capacities, or “capabilities,” measure the breadth and depth of editors’ functionality.
The “Momentum” dimension values each software supplier according to 9 strategic success factors.

Logiciel EAM Green Quadrant 2022

How to Choose the Best EAM Software for Your Company

Assessing Your Company's Needs

Before choosing EAM software, it is essential to assess your company's specific needs. Identify critical assets, maintenance processes, and business objectives to determine which EAM software will best meet your proactive asset management needs.

EAM Software Selection Criteria

When selecting EAM software, consider criteria such as user-friendliness, flexibility, scalability and compatibility with existing systems. Choose a software EAM to meet your company’s current and future needs.

Integration and Training

The successful integration of EAM software into your business is essential. Make sure your team is properly supported in setting up EAM, and your team is trained in the use of this new tool, but not only.The aim is to help your teams make the most of their business uses and to make the link between the tool and the job.

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The adoption of EAM software can improve maintenance efficiency, optimize asset utilization, reduce downtime, and increase profitability.

Key features to look for include asset management, maintenance planning, inventory management, contract management, and reporting.

Choose EAM software by assessing your needs, comparing features, checking usability, and asking other similar companies for recommendations.

CMMS focuses specifically onmanagement of maintenance activities, while the EAM aims to manage the entire asset life cycle from acquisition to disposal. Choose according to the complexity of your assets and your business.

EAM solutions enable proactive maintenance planning, efficient spare parts management and extended asset life through preventive maintenance. This reduces long-term maintenance costs.